
Why do we talk about routines?

Why do we talk about routines?

Routines are very important because they enable the creation of a structure for the child’s everyday life, a child who independently solves problems, follows his/her interests, makes choices and sensible decisions.

A partir de momentos e tarefas que se repetem ao longo da semana e que são facilmente identificadas no seu Kidocky, promovemos várias competências.

Autonomy and Responsibility, a feasible dream!

Autonomy and Responsibility, a feasible dream!

To identify in Kidocky if it is already time to play or have a bath will deploy the accomplishment of these goals.

From the created routine and daily tasks performance repetition, the youngsters begin to realize they can do the activities and organize their time without adults having to remind them of their commitments, thereby promoting in children the development of confidence and regulation without the adult’s constant guidance.

Uma janela para explorar o mundo!

Uma janela para explorar o mundo!

Conhecer o mundo em que estão inseridas, questionando e procurando respostas sobre os elementos que o constituem e as relações que se estabelecem entre eles permite que cada criança cresça em harmonia com o outro e consigo mesmo, compreendendo o seu impacto em cada contexto.